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100 Resume Tips

Get the edge and stay ahead of all your competitors! You can separate yourself from the pack with a great resume.

Get your copy of "100 Resume Tips" to nail your dream job with your resume!

Here are some of the tips and tricks you will find inside:

  • Determine who would be reading your resume.

  • Make your resume short and easy for a person to read.

  • Provide examples to back up your strengths and qualities.

  • Determine your priorities.

  • Submit your resume to an online job portal.

  • Using keywords and the right title for your resume.

  • Submitting the resume with a cover letter.

  • and much, much more....​


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100 Cover Letter Tips

In applying for a job, you need to know what a cover letter is so that you would be able to recognize its importance. It is a letter that should always accompany the applicant’s resume, since not too many employers would consider an application without it.

In most cases, if you only submit a resume to your potential employer, he would find it useless without the cover letter. The cover letter would let the employer know about the type of work that you can do.

Aside from that, it would also let him know how qualified you are for the position that you are applying for.

In this report, you'll learn 100 cover letter tips every person should know, such as:

  • The importance of a cover letter

  • Focus on more important information

  • Do your research

  • Let your cover letter reflect your personality

  • Keep your cover letter conversational

  • and much more!

Utilize these tips to ensure you'll get selected for any interview.

$4.99 – Digital download

Interview Techniques

Interview Do’s and Don’ts - If you want to increase your chances of obtaining the job for which you are applying, you need to know what is acceptable and what is not when you go for an interview. However, they may seem like small things to a job applicant, doing the right things can make the difference in your potential for being hired. It is important to know what things may earn you extra points and those that will take away and cost you the opportunity for that job. Although most people are aware of what to do and not do during an interview, those who are looking for their first job - at least their first full-time job - may not be aware of those things.

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The 10 Most Critical Mistakes To Avoid in Your Resume

Isn't It About Time You Took Charge of What Your Future Could Have In Store For You?


STOP HEARING "NO" AND START HEARING "YES!" - Whether you're out of work and desperately looking for a job or you want to increase your net worth by getting the job of your dreams. Acing the job interview is THE critical step to getting your foot in the door.


Are you doomed to repeat the same mistakes you and so many other job seekers are making every day during job interviews? NO! You can learn what to avoid during a job interview and what to focus on, so you can make sure you land the job of your dreams!


$4.99 – digital download

A Professional Approach to Resumes and Cover Letters

Are you looking for a job? Do you want to make certain that you have every possible advantage going for you?

One of the most important parts of the hiring process is the resume. (How many jobs do you know of that do not require one?) And it's important you put your best foot forward with a great resume.

See How Easily You Can Prove You're the Right Person For The Job!

You can separate yourself from the pack with a great resume. While others don't give this step much thought, and they ignore the new rules that have evolved over the years... won't! And you'll present yourself as the capable candidate for the job. Your resume will shoot straight to the top of the stack.

Because the truth is... a great resume can catch an employer's attention and tell them you're his guy or gal. are just SOME of the information you will find inside:

  • The number one rule for resumes that USED to be true. See which old technique has been thrown in the trash bin. You'll want to make sure you stop using this one before you turn in your next resume

  • How a resume can show loud and clear your credentials. And in a way that shows you have what it takes to be a complete success in your new position.

  • 6 items that must appear in every resume you write. (Don't forget even one!)

  • 4 things you must be sure about when turning in a resume. Know these and selling yourself will be easy.

$4.99 – Digital download

How to Ace Any Job Interview

“How to Ace Any Job Interview” is a boon for thousands of job seekers for whom attending a job interview is a nightmare. This 82-page eBook has several tips that can help the most nervous job seekers to gain confidence. The tips are on everything regarding attending a job interview, right from preparation to follow up, and putting them into practice will definitely fetch the job of your dreams.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book : 

  • Interviewing Tips: Interview for Success

  • Interviewing Tips: What You Can Expect from An Interview

  • Interviewing Tips: How to Guarantee You'll Perform Well

  • Interviewing Tips: Keeping the Past from Haunting You

  • Interviewing Tips: Things to Ask the Interviewer

  • The Job Interview: Engaging Everyone

  • The Second Job Interview

  • The Job Interview and The Thank You Letter

  • Showing Confidence in The Job Interview

  • The Job Interview: Realistic Expectations

  • Writing Your Resume

  • The All-Important CV

  • Getting to The Cover Letter

  • Posting Your Resume Online

  • … and much more!

$4.99 – Digital download

Body Language


Discover Body Language and How it Can Benefit You at Work, Home and Anywhere!

Is a handshake just a mere handshake, or does it express so much more?

Have you wished you could read body signals better, notice those subtle cues that could offer you a wealth of information about the person with whom you are conversing?

Everyone can benefit from learning how to read and identify body language.

Communicate with Body Language Effectively!

* Learn to be a great listener through reading body language.

* Learn to understand the reasons behind certain body language.

If you have failed many job interviews, this ebook will be the most valuable book you have ever bought. If you are having troubles reading a loved one’s feelings, a boss, or even a friend, this book is priceless.


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Successful Career Change Tactics Revealed

Why waste time on a job you hate? Why can't you do something you love AND make money?

Do you or someone you know want a better career?  If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about changing careers, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Some Useless Guides 
On Careers That You Can Find In Any Store
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about career and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Career Manual"!

It's like having your very own career expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!

You'll uncover a wide array of tips, including selecting the career that's right for you today!

$4.99 – Digital download

Finding a Job in a Recession

In all the coverage and editorializing on the recession that began during the Bush administration, something has been conveniently overlooked: It's not the first recession the United States has ever had to deal with, nor is it the worst.

There are always ups and downs. Certainly, there are exceptional periods, such as the Great Depression or the recession of the seventies, which began under the Carter administration, but those exceptional periods are only exceptional by degree, rather than by nature.

By this people simply mean that the economy is constantly, constantly in a state of slumps and rebounds and spikes and sags and jumps. While you can generally define any given decade as having been either good or bad for the economy, the fact remains that it's never truly just one or the other.

There's always another recession on the horizon. Bearing that in mind, the advice we attempt to put across in the text you're about to read is not exclusive to this recession. Rather, one should always know how to survive, and how to thrive, in a bad economy. This recession will end, sooner or later, but it won't be the last. Learn from these tough times, and store that knowledge away until the next time the dollar starts losing value.

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More resume, job search, and employment information products are being developed.  Check back soon for more!

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